Road Manager CEO Christine Keyes says the new snap to road tool will save valuable time for customers from Dublin to Darwin to Denver.

“Whether you’re building a highway or closing roads for maintenance this new feature makes it easier and faster to draw your plans,” she said.

According to Managing Director Brendan McNally the new “snap to road” tool is saving him valuable time when he is drawing complex plans.

“All you need to do is set the number of lanes you want and click on the map. It is that easy,” he said.

Check out the video for mire tips on the new snap to road feature

The snap to road tool is just one of the many new features added to Road Manager in the last twelve months.

You can also share plans using a link. This is a quick and easy way to get feedback from customers and colleagues without having to login to Road Manager.

You can now import your favourite mapping program into Road Manager. For more information about these updates, check out